❤️ Baltimore County School Calendar 2024-2025 ❤️ [PDF]

Baltimore County School Calendar: We all must have come across a much-known country named the United States of America, inside it, there is a state that we call the U.S. state of Maryland, and for those users who have not heard about it, it is also a part of Baltimore Metropolitan area. Baltimore County is located in this area.

Baltimore County School

So definitely the people who are residing here must be looking for schools and if you are so then here through our article you can get gist information about the various schools that come under Baltimore County. Here we are providing you with the full calendar for the year 2024-2025 of all the public schools which will help you to choose the best school for your kid. 

Baltimore County School Calendar 2024-2025

The calendar of Baltimore County will have all the information of all the Public schools and those parents whose kids are ready to go to school and are looking for schools near their area here you can get the important information through the use of our calendar.

Baltimore County School Calendar 2024


The calendar will be available for all age groups and the good thing about our calendar is that the kids will find the calendar very interesting as it is designed according to their choice, the most important thing about the calendar is that the users can get every single information whether small or big through our calendar.

Baltimore County Public Schools Jobs

If an area has so many public schools, then it is obvious that the school will have certain opportunities for jobs and it will have various roles, such as teachers, laborers, workers, and many more. 

So everyone is eligible for the job as it will have the required qualification for some jobs such as the position of a teacher because a teacher has to be qualified but apart from that, the other roles can be obtained by people who are not much qualified or have some degree. 

The roles will be assigned according to the positions required, in a school, many things are needed and to run a school, people will get certain job opportunities. 

Baltimore County Public School Calendar 2024

The Baltimore County School Calendar will be available in printable form too and the users can get it free of cost and the users will not pay a single penny to use the calendar. The calendar of Baltimore will only have the information for the years 2024-2025 and will have details regarding the holidays, fees, programs in schools, and many more. 

School Holidays Starts Finishes
First Day of School 28 Aug 2023
Thanksgiving Break 22 Nov 2023
24 Nov 2023
Christmas Break 25 Dec 2023
1 Jan 2024
Spring Break 25 Mar 2024
2 Apr 2024
Last Day of School 14 Jun 2024
Summer Break 17 Jun 2024

When we talk about Baltimore County School Calendar holidays then it is a must that if the school can give their schedule for the academic year, it becomes easy for the parents and kids or students to manage their time. Such as if they have the information from earlier they can plan their trips or tours or other occasions or festivals. 

Baltimore County School District Calendar

When we talk about public schools in the Baltimore County district there are many schools for all grades and then it becomes a task for the parents to choose the best school for their kids keeping in mind the fees and expenses. So the great benefit of this area is that the users will get all the range of schools starting from low to high which will give the parents an idea to think about. 

Date Event
March 11 Asynchronous Learning Day
March 11 Observance Day: modified after-school activities; no testing may occur
March 15 Professional Development Day: Schools closed for students
March 25 Spring Break: Schools Closed
March 28 Spring Break: Offices Closed
March 29 Observance Day: modified after-school activities; no testing may occur
April 3 Quarter 3 ends
April 4 Quarter 4 starts
April 5 Early Release Day
April 9-10 Observance Day: modified after-school activities; no testing may occur
April 9-11 Quarter 3 report card distribution window
April 22-30 Observance Day: modified after-school activities; no testing may occur

They can get the information about the schools through our Baltimore County School Calendar as here they can get every single and small information about the schools that they want. They can also take a hard copy of the calendar and can carry it with them anywhere they want. Starting from the holidays to exams the users will get everything here. 

Baltimore School Calendar 2024

Every parent wants their kid to gain their education from a good Baltimore County School Calendar and today it is very difficult to decide on a single school because so many schools are there. 

Therefore, it becomes even tougher to decide on a single school among the best. Still, if they get to know the facilities, activities, education, and fees of the schools, they can compare them with them and can come out with a good decision. Our calendar of Baltimore County gives you the opportunity because it will provide you with the correct information which will help you all to make a decision.

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